Grand Opening
2021-10-25 10:09
搵著數 WenJetso
全新PEANUTS和風經典系列將由27/10至5/12期間於崇光正式獨家發售🥳!系列中嘅CASA-VxPEANUTS純棉印花寢具套裝,更擁有全港首創嘅5A全護防菌之空氣淨化、防菌、防臭、防霉、防蟎功能,大家都快啲嚟崇光銅鑼灣店9/F掃貨,同Snoopy一齊無憂享受升級睡眠健康啦🤗! 【Improve Sleep Quality with Snoopy🤩】 The brand new PEANUTS Japanese Classic Collection will be exclusively available at SOGO from 27/10 to 5/12🥳! CASA-VxPEANUTS Print Cotton Bedding Set boasts the exclusive 5A functions of Air Purification, Anti-Bateria, Anti-Mite, Anti-Fungal and Anti-Odor. Visit SOGO Causeway Bay Store 9/F and get a full night’s sleep in these adorable beddings with Snoopy today🤗! #sogohongkong
Promote Date
2021-10-25 to 2021-12-05